Both young artist did "bring it" to the stage last night! Both are unique loads of charisma and talent, with great promise for the future. The audience encouraged the performers as if they were their own children. The Princess stage is a stepping stone our local youth should and can use to launch rewarding careers.
Opening for EmiSunshine was Oakdale talent Emery Francis. The 17-year-old sits at the piano with the conviction and confidence of a "pro" and delivers her favorite songs with a great vocal range. She likes the bluesy songs and brought them alive with her own arrangements. I especially liked the Etta James classic "At Last", and her signature song by the Eric Burton and the Animals "House of the Rising Sun". Her voice improves every time I hear her sing; from her low notes to her high notes; she is a "rising star"!
Chris Mason's six-year-old daughter, Addie, introduced the star performer, Emi Hamilton, or as she is known nationally "EmiSunshine"!
It was a fitting introduction since the "kids" had been playing with each other backstage before the performance. Emi's dressing room was filled with local children long before the doors were opened. They seemed to have a great time.
At first the children were giggling out in the hall, but soon Emi stuck her head out to see what was going on. From that moment on they were all great friends, and were soon playing games in the Green Room. Right before Emi's introduction, and concerned that the kids might be keeping Emi from getting mentally and emotionally ready to take the stage, someone asked the children to give her some space. Immediately Emi said, "No, they're fine," and the giggling continued.
We forget that EmiSunshine is just a kid herself; a 10-year-old growing up fast in the entertainment business. Having friends around, with the freedom to giggle, is just what she needs.
On stage Emi puts aside her shy offstage demeanor and becomes a "performer", and perform she did! She obviously enjoys the stage where she laughs with her family and pokes jokes at her dad. But most of all, she loves playing and singing her heart out! It's a change that is amazing to watch, and even envy!
Both young ladies displayed a love of performing; of the stage, and music. I noticed Emery shivering just before taking the stage, not realizing it was just a chill, and told her to just go out there and have fun. She said such sincerity, "Oh, I'm just cold. I love it out there. I really do!"
I was impressed by her love for and dedication to what she is determined to make of her future. We should all take that lesson to heart, and if you can find that something early in life the more blessed you will be by it.
Best of luck girls, and come back soon!
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