After visiting the Watts Bar Nuclear plant Monday, U. S. Sen. Lamar Alexander stopped off in Harriman to visit the Channel 15 studios and tour the Princess Theatre.
He told the large crowd that Harriman has a had a good idea for a long time and kept it out there until an opportunity came along to make it happen. “Sometimes it takes a good idea a while to happen,” Alexander said, and "Harriman has done itself proud!"

“You can’t make people go downtown,” the senator said. “You’ve got to attract people to go downtown.” Alexander said this studio and the education that will be going on here will continue to build on Harriman's tradition of loving to come downtown. Not only that, he pointed out, but "it will be an attractive place to work!"
The Senator looked around the room and commented on the number of faces he saw that he knew was involved in making the dream happen, and commented, "Usually (when there is a project like this) you have too many people trying to be what they are not, but here people are trying to be what is needed."
Inside the Princess, Sen. Alexander could see the progress that has been made, and continues to happen. People were working above on the scaffolding as he and other supporters toured. Mr. Sparkman, the restoration architect told the Senator, "When the scaffolding comes down, that's when the fun begins!''
Standing beside the Senator was James "Dub" Harmon who had managed the theater from 1951 until 1964. It was the first time Mr. Harmon had been inside the Princess since the restoration began. You could see surprise in his face at the work that had been done, and also the reflection of his thoughts on the years he had spent working at the movie theater. For me, this was the best moment of the day!
Our project is so blessed to have so many good people involved, but there is room for more talented people. Come join will make the fun to come much more enjoyable!